
Generating favicons,
the right way.

With favicon.zip you can quickly and easily generate a .zip file encompassing favicons in various sizes and formats, paired with ready-to-use code snippets.

Drag and drop an image or browse


Easy to use

favicon.zip has been designed to be as easy to use as possible while offering an excellent user experience.
Drag and drop your image, set the generation parameters, it's that simple.

Adjust Favicon Generation

Use the settings window to choose the different types of favicon you want: add some that are no longer required for greater compatibility, set the favicon for Chrome/Android and their manifest, and much more.

Code Generation

favicon.zip automatically generates the code to be inserted into your website for easy integration!

Manifest Generation

When you activate favicon generation for Chrome/Android, favicon.zip helps you create the webmanifest needed for the modern Web.

Easy Downloading

Your favicons of different sizes and formats and the corresponding code are added in a .zip file for easy downloading: this website is aptly named!


favicon.zip does not use trackers and your images are automatically deleted once your favicons have been generated.


A favicon, short for "favorite icon", is a small, distinctive icon associated with a website or web page. Typically displayed in the browser's address bar, tabs, and bookmarks, favicons serve as a visual representation of the website and help users easily identify and differentiate between various open tabs.

Favicons serve as a visual extension of a website's branding. By incorporating a logo or a recognizable symbol into the favicon, websites can reinforce their identity and make it easier for users to recognize and remember them among a sea of open tabs.

Including a favicon in a website's design gives it a more polished and professional appearance. It shows that attention has been paid to even the smallest details, contributing to an overall positive impression of the website.

Favicons contribute to a better user experience by providing visual cues. They help users quickly identify and navigate to the desired website among numerous open tabs, making the browsing process more efficient.

When users bookmark a website, the favicon often appears alongside the website's name in the bookmarks list. This visual element makes the list more visually appealing and aids users in locating their desired bookmarks more easily.

In modern browsers, favicons are displayed on individual tabs. This helps users distinguish between multiple open tabs at a glance, especially when they have several tabs open simultaneously.

A web manifest is a JSON file that provides information about a web application and how it should behave when installed on a user's device or accessed through a browser. The web manifest allows developers to control how the web app appears and behaves on different devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops.